One More Day

So tomorrow morning is orientation for my new job and I’m both nervous and excited. I have a lot to do before then to make the transition easier. Laundry, cleaning, etc to make sure things are all together for me in the morning. The pets need more food to, so that’s important.

So I did gain two pounds from Vegas, but than I expected it’s not particularly upsetting. Also..that leg workout from Friday has left me still a bit sore about the thighs, so I’ve been a bit lazy about muscle building exercises. Lol. I’m determined to do ab and arm exercises today so the day will not be in vain. Although the dogs did get their morning walk and I plan on that being a regular occurance.

I’he also decided to let some negative things go in my life. For a guy requires you to actually see them and spend time with them. 2 or more weeks of not seeing a guy who still has the time to go out witn mutial friends who will tell me as not dating. So I give up on that particular venture. I’m also trying to detach myself some from drama back east because it’s nothing I can do anything about. I will be there for my mom to talk to and check inner often, but dealing with other members of that part of the family who are so kind as to make things even more difficult for her..well excise my French but they can go fuck themselves. (Amused that her kindle doesn’t consider that a valid word)

So yeah..those sare some good steps I think. I just hope the stress they are causing my mom doesn’t lead to another minor heart attack :-/

Until next time


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