Some Progress

So…I have been keeping up with my weightwatchers for a couple of weeks now, with tracking at least. I really trying now because I am determined to get into better shape and be in better health. I want to feel better about myself and maybe inspire others to do the same.

There are so many youtubers out there making a difference and it is so inspiring. On the saddest of days, all I need to do is wander through youtube and I can find someone to make me smile or to distract me. The newer generations it seems, do not watch news programs in the typical way. They watch the rather more honest views of the novice voices of youtube. People on youtube do have their sponsors but rarely do they ever have any true agenda.

Most youtubers started out recording themselves for fun or as an outlet for their creativity and emotion. They will bare their hearts and their souls to the digital world, hoping that they won’t be cut down by the harsh words that people will spew from behind their computers. Because there is always negativity. No matter how many beautiful things there are in the world, there will always be someone who will find something negative to say about it. Even I get caught in those trains of thought.

Oh what am I going on about though. I was here writing about being healthy and what I am doing to get there. I guess I was just rambling.

I have been at my new job for a month now an I am so much happier than I was with my old job. I will admit that I feel as though I must be more responsible with this job. It does come with it’s own challenges and anxieties but I can handle it. I don’t know where I am going but it is nice to have some stability again after all the chaos I went through last year.

The support system I’ve been building is hard to keep up with..I’ve always had no trouble making friends but have struggled with bridging the friendships into something closer and more personal. Now and again I can manage with this person or that..but it’s hard. I guess I never really learned how to make those types of connections.

Anyway..I am off to watch the series Outlander for a bit, I did so love the books and now it is a series on starz.

I’ll update again soon when I find some more fun an inspiring things to share..

Until then..keep making that fat cry!


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