Sunday Morning

It’s a beautiful cloudy morning, perfect for walking 2 silly dogs.’s weigh-in day and the grand total is…….218 lbs. Two more pounds lost thanks to dog walking, weigh watchers and the odd muscle training exercise. So this was a rather..exciting morning. As we’re walking through the neighborhood a couple of dogs at the window lose it and one pops the screen right open! He comes running at Newman (big black dog) who jerks towards him. Silly dog thinks better of going after my bigger dog and turns tail. So yeah..lots of fun. So now I am home thanking the Pandora gods for starting my morning with the aptly named Sunday Morning by Maroon 5. I’m also working on my little write-up on health benefits since I was a bit out of sorts yesterday. My mom is back home and on meds for her hopefully my brother and stepdad don’t upset her..I won’t even write the terrible text my brother wrote her instead of asking her if she was ok. It was pretty terrible and he’s pretty much burned his bridges with all his family but his father and their family in Turkey where he was for the past month. Well anyhow I’m off to collect some links and get started on my little writeup about health benefits. Have a good morning all 🙂


The Gym Will Bite You – Be very Afraid

So I don’t have much to write at the moment but I wanted to share this article because it is both amusing and informative.




I found this article the other day when doing research on another article & just had to post it.  I have been weight training with my husband for over 2 years now & when I read things those listed below I have to LOL!.   I wont say no more, however those fellow women that follow the site and weight train you will be laughing as well 🙂   At the end of the article there is a hall of shame listing other overt fitness fibs from other readers.

You don’t have to go far in the average gym to find someone willing to give you bad information. People are full of ideas and advice about women and weights. The other day I heard the most ludicrous thing yet: that cardio work was bad for you because it built muscle that pushed the fat out farther. Yep, I guess that’s why marathon…

View original post 1,229 more words

Moonlit Walk

Once again I made myself get up and take the puppies for a walk in the morning and then again after going to a wonderful calorific diner at Logan’s Roadhouse. The moon was almost full and it was so quiet and peaceful at 8pm, though apparently still not cool enough for the puppies because they began to linger behind in the end. They do better on their morning walks.

So as you may have noticed I have gotten back down to 221 and while it could have been water weight I’ll take what I can get. No change in my measurements just yet but if I keep up with my toning exercises that should change. Now I am off to enjoy True Blood because I am rather addicted to the show.

TaTa For Now 🙂


The Hum Of The Cicadas

So for the past few days I’ve been taking the dogs out for walks in the early morning and late evenings. It gets much too hot to take the boys out any later than 6 am or earlier than 8pm. Poor things were so tired at the end of tonight’s walk that I almost thought id have to carry the bigger dog home lol. Well anyway..I’m finding these walk so quiet and relaxing, especially with all the sounds that make up the neighborhood. The soft drone of the cicadas, the hum of the ACs and the faint barking of the neighborhood dogs. Even with a busy street nearby these sounds are all you really hear..I love it. 🙂

That said I should thank those silly dogs for helping me get in a nice 30 min walk. I didn’t have the patience for a regular workout but I did do my modified pilates exercise for my behind and did some exercises from one of the butt workouts from my previous post. () So I’m definitely feeling it in my legs and behind. I do recommend the butt exercise that fits your particular shape. Also..still sore in my shoulders from the bust workout lol.

Tomorrow is my weigh-in day and I plan on redoing my measurements as well. So hopefully I’ll have some good results there.

Now on to spiderman! So to start I did see The Amazing Spiderman in an Imax theater and in 3-D. Visually it was an amazing movie and the Imax and 3-D really made it even more incredible. The storyline wasn’t too bad and they left you wanting know what happens next via an extra scene after the credits. There were a few things left hanging that bothered me a bit but since there is obviously going to be sequel, perhaps they will fix those. The acting was good. I enjoyed Sally Field and Martin Sheen as the aunt and uncle. I’m also a huge fan of Emma Stone and really enjoyed her as Gwen Staci. Andrew Garfield was very funny at times as Spiderman and it was cool to see someone else’s portrayal. He reminded me of the old 90s cartoon Spiderman. Last but not least is the villain, played by Rhys Ifans. His was a more emotional portrayal at times and while his lizard character had his villainous moments I felt more sorry for him than anything else. All in all a good movie and I’d see it again.

So there is my unskilled attempt at a review and I will be back tomorrow. Until then, keep on keeping on 🙂


Spiderman And Soreness

So sadly I cannot review The Amazing Spiderman until tomorrow. They asked us not to post any opinion for a couple of days so I must oblige. That said omg are my arms sore. I don’t feel much of that exercise in the chest area but my triceps and I guess a little of the side of my chest is sore.

So I tried Fergie’s ab workout but not sure if I liked it. The second move made me feel silly and the third was a pain because my feet kept slipping back when I was in plank position. I am definitely sweating though.

So I’ve done a bit better this week with my points but still not as good as I could. I need to incorporate more exercise on my days off. I’m thinking if I get up early just to do that then maybe I’ll get more done. One silly thing I’ve been doing to exercise in bed is a modified pilates move. You normally would lay on your stomach arms and feet stretched out ahead and behind you like Superman. You then arch your back, lifting your arms and legs off the floor and pump your legs and arms for some determined time. Either way you most definitely feel it in your abs and it works out your arms, legs and butt too. Pilates are tough but you definitely can feel them working.

I will leave you tonight with more images of the silly animals I live with. (includes a rabbit, cat, and 2 dogs)

These two will happily eat your leftovers
These two bozos will happily finish any tasty little morsels you might not want. Of course they just want to help me with my diet when they stare incessantly at me from an inch away if I have any food.

This is the only other female in the house. Her names MJ and she’s a bitch lol. I’ll explain her name some other time. Later all!


First Toning Workout(s) And A Movie I tried the chest workout and whew! I can feel that one. Although I feel it more in my triceps than my chest. I struggled a bit with a couple of the moves like the one with plates and also one move requires 2 exercise bands..I only have one so it didn’t really work. I may try the Fergie butt one later and will update this if I do.

So is anyone else really irritated by those stupid Sensa commercials? I mean everyone wants an easy way to lose weight with minimal effort but I feel like Sensa is no better than hydroxycut and other similar ones. I mean I thought about trying Alli but I don’t like possible side effects it might have. I’ve heard that any hint of greasy food while on it can result n a rather messy reaction which would not be fun on those lovely treat days (I prefer treat days to cheat days, makes you feel less guilty). So speaking of treat days I desperately want cold stone creamery but I need to make it to the end of the week with weekly points to spare. This means avoiding going over daily points for the rest of the week. Wish me luck!

For now I am off to get ready to go see a preview of the new spiderman movie.


Fergie’s Favorite Ab Moves and Ted

Alright, so I am not one to follow celebrities or their various fads but I am going to start trying a variety of toning exercises that may or may not be connected to a celebrity of some sort. I like reading cosmo at times or Self Magazine and get cool workouts from them now and again. So, I shall list the ones I plan on trying, separating them by target area. Then I figure I can review them based on burn, difficulty, etc..Savvy? Oh! And i will post links to the sites where I find them. 🙂

Fergie’s Favorite Ab Moves

Firmest Abs Ever


Sag Stopper(This One Says It Perks Up The Boobs..we’ll

Get Rid Of “Bat Wings”?

Sexy Sundress Arms
JoJo’s Leg Workout

BUM! (Can you tell which body part I most want to work out?)
Best Butt Ever-This one has separate guides depending on your butt type/shape.

Wow Booty Now

Yoga Butt

Stronger Back
12 Min Tone-up

So..I tried to stick to things that could be done at home and with minimal equipment. If you’re like me, keeping up with the latest fad of exercise equipment is just way too expensive! So anyhow I will be trying these different workouts in the next day or so and post my opinion of them. And just for fun I will leave you with my opinion of the upcoming movie “Ted”


So for a very basic description of’s about a little lonely boy who wishes for his Christmas Bear to come to life and it happens. The rest of the movie is what happens when he and the little boy grow up to be in their 30s. This movie was absolutely ridiculous but it made me laugh. It’s like one of those heartfelt children’s movies that are supposed to teach you something but it’s been dragged through the deprived mind of Seth McFarland (Family Guy) and yes that is Peter Griffith’s voice you will hear coming from the mouth of the bear. All in all it is a really funny, f*cked up movie that will probably do well in theaters and I will say is at least better than That’s My Boy.

That is all for now 🙂


Magic Mike

Omg, can I just say that watching those half-naked celebrities on a big screen was highly satisfying? Magic Mike stars actors Matthew McConaughey, Tatum Channing, Alex Pettyfer (Beastly, I Am Number Four) and Joe Manganiello (The hot werewolf from True Blood <3). There was at least one actress I recognized but who really cares about them with all that eye candy? Even Matthew McConaughay has a moment of sexy dancing with his shirt off and a thong to show off his taut rear. Another plus to going to preview was that there were three well toned male strippers who came to promote the movie.

Well anyhow..I won't give away the rather jumbled storyline but be prepared to see a lot of gorgeous men strip down to their skivvys.

That said I should get to the health related things. So I've been rather bad with cardio but i have been working on toning when I can't get motivated to do any other exercise. Perhaps tomorrow if I wake early enough I can walk the puppies. It's so hard to get up early on days i don't have to. However i cannot spend another day in doing nothing. We'll see what happens.

And now back to Alfred Hitchcock Presents 😀


Weight Loss Story

So a woman from this blog messaged me and suggested I take a look. This is her weight loss experience. This whole blog is for people to post their before and after stories and pictures for weight loss. It’s really inspiring and I wanted to pass it on to the few readers I have as a great proof of what keeping up with your weight loss can help you to achieve. Best of luck to you all. 🙂



Former weight: 250 lbs. (size 18)

Current weight: 135 lbs. (size 4)

Total Pounds lost: 115 lbs.

Height: 5’7

Blog/Web sites:

Weight-loss method:  Primarily prayer and determination – supplemented with a sound diet, weight training, yoga and cardio. For supplements, I take omegas, multi vitamins, protein powder & BCAA’s .

How long you’ve kept it off:  2 years as of May, 2012. My starting weight in May of 2009 was 250 lbs. and by May of 2010, I weighed in at 137 lbs.  Currently, I weigh 135 lbs.

Turning point:  It was time to get it right.  I didn’t feel attractive and I was going up in clothing sizes.  My husband was trying to diet, however I didn’t cook healthy meals so his efforts failed.  I used to lie on the beach or on a pool chair and never get up because I was self-conscious of…

View original post 171 more words

Weigh-In Day

So tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in and I’m kind of worried that I may have gained this week. I’ge had a rather down week emotionally and have not made the best food choices, nor gotten the needed exercise. Even now I’m blogging over exercise. Granted I did a lot of walking today for work so that’s something. I just need to get in my toning exercises. Those aren’t too bad.

On a random note, I’ve discovered a perfect neutral colored nail polish that fits me. Yes I am having g a girly moment lol. Now if I could only get it to dry before I smear it or the heat makes it bubble. Ive never had that happen. My nails have been getting these tiny bubbles in the polish as it dries. So weird..I mean it’s bad enough when I catch a strand of hair on a wet nail but these bubbles are so irritating.

Lol well anyhow I am proud of my mixture of little bits of exercise yesterday. Work led to walking some, walking around a furniture store added to that and finally I went swimming for a good hour last night. So yeah..not too bad.

Oh! The polish for my nails is called champagne toast. I like it lop. Now off to get those toning exercises in.

Later all 🙂
